Thursday, 21 August 2008

Blog Action Day for Poverty - 15 October 2008

Kitty Cavalcade, originally uploaded by Joey 7.

I will be taking part in the Blog Action Day on 15 October 2008, which aims to draw attention to people who live in poverty around the world. I'm not sure yet exactly what my post will say, but i've got plenty of time to think about and plan it! If you want to help raise awareness of poverty, click the link at the bottom of this post to go to the Blog Action site and register your intention to join in.

I feel a line of charity brooches coming up... The 25 "kitty pips" brooches you see above were made and sold in aid of the Children In Need annual appeal, and I raised £100! Which I was quite pleased about. :-)

Please check back on 15 October for the post! :D


  1. Thanks so much for the reminder! This was my first visit to your blog. It's GORGEOUS here! I'm totally kitten smitten. I'll be adding you!

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by Rachel, i'm glad you like my little pages! Thank you for adding me too! :D

    Warm regards
    Joey x

  3. Congratulations, those are just wonderful! I'm sure they'll be prettily pinned on some kind person's apparel =)

  4. Would you mind if I linked to your blog in my own Blog Action Day post?
    I love your work!


  5. Hello Lyra, of course you can link your post to mine for Blog Action Day, it will be a pleasure!

    Best wishes
    Joey x


I love to read your comments, so please go right ahead! Thanks in advance for your message. :-)


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