Friday 15 February 2008

Hop in the Pop-Up Wonderland

This is my latest bunny brooch, he's called Hop, and he's hanging out with Alice and the mad hatter in Robert Sabuda's wonderful pop-up adaptation of Lewis Carrott's Alice in Wonderland (2003, Simon & Schuster). We've got so many wonderful picture books in our house, it would be a terrible shame not to use them as backgrounds for my handmade bunnies and other creatures.

Sabuda truly is a master of the art, which shows so clearly in all the small details he's included and the fact that the book is bulging to bursting point with pop-up upon pop-up. The way that three-dimensional forms, like the table above and the white rabbit's house below, slowly emerge from the pages as you carefully open the book, is fantastic.

Sabuda's pop-ups are not just lovely books for children but also beautiful objects which will be appreciated by people of any age. You could use one pop-up as an ornament one day, turn a page and it turns into something else, then the next day you need a bit more space so you can put it to bed on the bookshelf.

Now there's a space-saving idea that no-one has yet appeared on "Dragon's Den" with! Remember, I got there first. ;)

There's even a lovely Victorian peep-show, pictured on the left, at the bottom of which you can see Alice falling into the hole which she saw the white rabbit go...

Perhaps one day i'll make my own...

Please visit Hop in my Etsy shop:

Take a look at Robert Sabuda's official site:
there are even instructions for making your own pop-ups, if these pictures have inspired you!

Time for me to pop off now, byeeeeee!

Joey x

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word, what an amazing idea for showcasing small items, or simply as an interesting background (for meringues, or parsnips even, ;) ), like you we have simply heaps of wonderful pop-up, flap, peep through and so on kind of picture books. It just never occurred to me to use them in that way. I will see how it turns out.
    Off to look at Sabuda'a site.


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