Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Misaki the Pink bunny and her little friends

I finished another pink bunny brooch this afternoon and the light was just right for taking some pictures of her. I always take pictures of the small things I make on a south-east-facing window sill in our house, for the natural light. I haven't really sorted out a bigger space for things too big to fit on the window-sill yet. But most of the things I make are pretty tiny anyway...

The brightly-coloured plastic ladies you see pictured here are some of the collection of Unazukins we have. If you've not seen these before, they are interactive toys that will either shake or nod their head (just their face, really) when you ask a question. Or if you make any sort of noise... But the main things are that they're cute, come in lots of different designs and provide a lot of distraction at your office desk. The most popular question asked of the "oracle" sitting on my desk at work is, "will I ever get to leave this place?" to which the "oracle" usually shakes her head... Yes, she tells it like it is, and never shies away from giving unwelcome news.
Click this link to say hello to Misaki and her Unazukin friends on Etsy!

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