I did the Swimathon last year (Little Tiger is wearing the medal below, which everyone gets just for completing the swimathon) and I’ve decided to swim the same distance, 2.5 km (so that’s 100 lengths of a 25 metre pool, or approx. 1 ½ miles). I found it do-able, but for a few days after I felt really exhausted. So at the moment I’m training myself up by doing longer and longer swims at the same pool where I’ll be doing the Swimathon – at the Ponds Forge International Sports Centre which was originally built for the 1991 World Student Games, and boasts one of Europe’s deepest diving pools at 5.85 metres.
I’m not a fast swimmer at all, actually I’m pretty slow so if I manage the swim in less than 1 ½ hrs I’ll be happy. I do get quite jealous of folks who can swim fast and with a beautiful technique, then do a fast flip-turn at the end of the lane… Well, all I can do is my best!
If you would like to sponsor me, please go to my sponsorship page: Joey's Swimathon Page and you can give by debit or credit card. If you’re a bit shy and don’t want your name to show for everyone to see, just untick the box which says "I give permission for my name to be displayed...", and your donation will show as “anonymous”.
Thank you reading!
Best Wishes
Joey xx